Raise the bars when a raise of hands won’t do.
Qurio livens up your event with real-time polls, feedback, quizzes and competitions.
Audience participation is a key component for any event, whether a conference, show or debate. Top-of-mind answers from an audience provide speakers with instant data for talking points that helps them improve and improvise on their content relevance. It also shows the audience how their views relate to the rest of the group. By replacing paper-based data gathering methods, Qurio reduces the admin and cost involved in the setup and distribution of it.
Popular use cases for Qurio at events
Live Polling and Voting
Ask a quick question and watch our graphs animate as the audience responds in real-time.
Workshop pop quizzes
Enhance the learning experience with pop quizzes to assess the content knowledge of your audience.
Speaker feedback
Find out what your audience related to and enjoyed the most and which speakers to invite back next year.
People love winning prizes. Let us help you run quick and easy competitions for your delegates.
With different question types you can ask anything from ice-breakers to more serious questions.
Qurio analyses answers in real time into beautiful graphs that update as your audience answers
Asking with qurio is simple.
You ask
Create a set of questions (a qurio) with our simple-to-use website and share the unique link with your audience.
They answer
Your audience answers your qurio from their own mobile phone, computer or tablet.
Qurio analyses
See responses in real-time with beautiful graphs that you can present, share or download.
Experience what it's like for your audience to participate.
Enter http://qurio.co/c/tryqurio in your mobile phone’s web browser and answer our quick questions.
Ready to start asking with Qurio?
Start my 14 day free trial
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